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Tips: Prior Your Children Safety When Traveling

childWhen you take a traveling with your child you have to observe their safety first. It needs to be done because there is a big difference between traveling with an adult and traveling with children. There are numerous ways to make traveling for you and your child safer. Here are the tips,

Maintain seatbelts or restraints at all times
Naughtiness can become one reason for your child to get hurt and cause one to another. Your child can move all he wants as long as his seatbelt or restraint are firmly attached to their bodies. Furthermore, turbulence can go without warning.

Position you child away from the aisle
It would be more appropriate to sit him between two adults. Children love exploring and reaching out things. They can get hurt unknowingly when their little arms and hands get bumped by walking people or by the serving cart. You can also sit him at one corner beside the windows.

Control your child
It is your responsibility to control your child’s behavior while inside the plane.  The flight attendant is never responsible for the supervision of your child. You don’t pay them to become baby sitters. As much as possible, don’t fall asleep during the flight. Children take this opportunity to wander around the plane and eventually get lost. You also have to be careful when walking around the plane with your child for he might reach hot cups of coffee or silverware.

Keep your child’s essentials inside your hand carry bag
You can survive every ounce of tantrums when you keep in your bag a handful of useful merchandise like diapers, food and medicine. If you have an infant, you can bring in two bottles of milk.

Bring toys
Toys can serve as perfect modalities to catch your child’s attention. It also can refrain him or her from making unnecessary noises and activities. Never bring toys that can hurt, easily break or is heavy. Electronic games can only be used while the plane is cruising.

Always be prepared for the possibility of emergencies
Be aware of the procedures that can be appropriate for your child. First, ask the flight attendant if they have emergency equipments that are designed especially for children. Next, be familiar with the preflight briefing. Lastly, if your child has a condition that can be an issue, inform the attendant.

It is your sole responsibility to take good care of your child by practicing this safety first tips when traveling.


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