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Uluru Kata Tjuta

UluruIf you like visiting natural amazing place? check out Uluru-Kata Tjuta in australia. It’s truly amazing.

Uluru is the world-renowned sandstone inselberg stands 348 metres high with most of its bulk below the ground. The aboriginals believe that the spirit that turned into ayers rock was a turtlespirit. Kata Tjuta, meaning ‘many heads’, is a group of 36 rock domes that dates back 500 million years. Both Uluru and Kata Tjuta have great cultural significance for the Anangu traditional landowners, who lead walking tours to inform visitors about the local flora and fauna, bush foods and the Aboriginal Dreamtime stories of the area. source wikipedia

1 comment

1 Amazing Great Ocean Road — Along The Lake { 11.02.09 at 10:05 am }

[…] is big country with many interesting place for traveler. Besides uluru-kata tjuta, Australia also has amazing scenery attraction The Great Ocean Road. This place is a coastal region […]

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